Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Perspectives and Advances in Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion

Voices of Teachers in the Context of Repression and Social Struggle: Collective Memories and Identities

Percy Mejia-Elvir
Ibeth Morales-Escobar
Marisol Correa-Londoño
Published June 27, 2023


Repression , Identity, Educational research, Social conflict, Sistematic review
How to Cite
Mejia-Elvir, P., Morales-Escobar, I., & Correa-Londoño, M. (2023). Voices of Teachers in the Context of Repression and Social Struggle: Collective Memories and Identities. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 12(1), 179–194. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2023.12.1.010


In the scenario of the coup d'état in Honduras, starting in 2009, various manifestations of repression were generated within the training centers by authorities related to government power. In this context, the research that we disclose explores through the narrative documentation of Honduran teachers, their experience of repression within the training centers in the context of social struggle. For this, the research is located in the biographical-narrative approach, with the participation of eight teachers who reconstructed their experiences through the creation of autobiographical life stories. The results reveal, from the lens of autobiographical interpretation, the existence of subcategories such as: histories of repression, subjectivities and emotionality, transformation of teacher identity and training for social justice in circumstances of repression and social struggle. It is intuited that narrative documentation, in addition to contributing to the reconfiguration of historical memories, conveys the reconstruction of historical memory and makes it possible to make visible the break points generated in the teaching identity from experiences in various social trajectories.


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