Social Justice and Sustainable Development in the Spanish Educational Legislation
Social justice, Sustainable development, Educational policy, Democracy, QualityThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a new way of addressing contemporary challenges. With their declaration, a variable that must accompany growth is established: social justice. This article explores the implications of this for economic and human development, as well as its impact on Spanish educational legislation. The objective is to identify the inclusion of descriptors related to sustainable development and social justice, born from the SDG targets, in the last three Spanish educational laws. By means of a descriptive process, a longitudinal comparative study will be carried out. The results show how Spanish educational legislation has been incorporating and updating contents and sensitivities about sustainable development. Likewise, and taking into account the multidimensional nature of social justice, Spanish education has been able to address its challenges from different angles. There are still pending issues that have not yet received the necessary attention, as well as an approach to what social justice, from its five dimensions, entails. Spanish educational legislation has margin for improvement in terms of its capacity to meet the present challenges.
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