Adaptation of Active Methodologies in University Education in Pandemic Time
Active methodologies, Covid-19, Social Justice, Qualitative methodology, University educationThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The main of the research carried out is to know, analyse and describe the process of adapting active didactic methodologies to the change from face-to-face teaching to online teaching, the attitudes of teachers and their assessments regarding the experience lived during the Covid pandemic. The research methodology has been qualitative, carrying out a multi-case study in four groups of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Huelva. The subjects and groups were selected intentionally because they were based on active methodologies, and practical strategies and activities to attend to the diversity of the students, thus being based on the principles of social justice. The article raises dilemmas and alternatives for three university teachers in the development of teaching in the face of the supervening pandemic. The results show positive evaluations by the teaching staff, although the difficulties are also analysed. They highlight an increase in their teacher training and an effective evolution in their professional development, in addition to increasing their research work focused on teaching. The active methodologies used in person have been replaced by other teaching strategies and resources that have allowed virtual teaching based on an active and enriching teaching-learning process for all students.
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