Vol. 9 No. 3 (2020): Consequences of School Closure due to Covid-19 on Educational Inequalities

Covid-19, Education and Children’s Rights in Spain

Mª Ángeles Espinosa
Published October 28, 2020


Children’ rights; Education; Health, Covid-19; Equity.
How to Cite
Espinosa, M. Ángeles. (2020). Covid-19, Education and Children’s Rights in Spain . Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 9(3), 245–258. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2020.9.3.013


The measures adopted in the Royal Decree declaring the state of alarm against the epidemic caused by Covid-19 have a direct impact on children and adolescents. The aim of this article is to analyse the complex relationships between the right to health protection, the right to education and the rights of the child. The suspension of face-to-face teaching has meant not only that many children may see their school learning slowed down, especially those from more vulnerable backgrounds, but also that they are no longer protected and lose the possibility of achievement better living conditions, due to the positive effect that school has as a tool to compensate for social inequalities. In view of this situation, it seems necessary that the last part of the article also addresses a serious reflection on the conditions and the moment in which one should return to the classroom. As well as on the measures to be taken to guarantee the quality and equity of the educational system, bearing in mind that the disease will continue to be present in our lives and therefore the risk of new infections. Having a National Digitalization Plan, reviewing the curriculum and providing reinforcement programs are challenges for our educational system, but can become opportunities to improve its quality and equity.


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