Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): Feminist Education for Social Justice
Special Issue

Feminist Popular Education: Spanish Classes for Migrant Women from the Magreb

Published October 10, 2017


Education, Women, Adults education, Social inequality, Literacy.
How to Cite
Sierra Rodríguez, A., & Peláez-Paz, C. (2017). Feminist Popular Education: Spanish Classes for Migrant Women from the Magreb. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2017.6.2.007


The feminization of migration and global care chains are interrelated by developing mechanisms that violate rights that affect mainly migrant women and domestic workers. Therefore, part of this population suffers social inequalities associated with their ethnicity, sex-generic identity and social class. Through a qualitative methodology of ethnographic approach, we develop an investigation with migrant women from the Maghreb, who are also domestic workers and attend Spanish classes in the neighborhoods of San Nicasio and La Fortuna in the city of Leganés (Madrid). In the Spanish state, difficulties in learning a new language, lack of contact with public institutions and friction with its community of neighbors promote that women who have high capacities and potentialities end up experiencing isolation, without exercising their rights in equal conditions to the rest of the population and, on the other hand, the community is not enriched by the benefits of effective integrative processes and good coexistence. We analyze situations in which women develop networks of sorority and help among compatriots to fill the gaps of an ineffective attention social system to migrant population, which does not collect the specialties derived from the needs of these women and therefore fails to guarantee their access to basic rights.


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