Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): Feminist Education for Social Justice
Special Issue

Empowerment and Social Inclusion of Migrant Women through Dialogic Literary Gatherings

Published October 10, 2017


Women, Ethnic groups, Communication, Languages, Inmigrants.
How to Cite
García-Yeste, C., Gairal, R., & Ríos, O. (2017). Empowerment and Social Inclusion of Migrant Women through Dialogic Literary Gatherings. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2017.6.2.006


Overcoming gender inequalities is one of the main challenges of international organizations such as the European Commission. Within the framework of the United Nations' overall objectives for overcoming poverty and achieving prosperity for all groups, a series of guidelines are proposed to advance the improvement of the situation of women. Although these strategies raise the concern of the main international organizations and governments around gender injustices, there are still problems to be studied. This article analyzes how literary dialogues are enabling immigrant women to be empowered and to reduce their vulnerability. It has been developed from a qualitative study with a communicative orientation, in particular eight semi-structured interviews, a discussion group and communicative observations articulated in weekly sessions during two school years (2014- 2015 and 2015-2016). The results show that this successful educational action is contributing to improve language learning, providing women of self-confidence, strengthening their self-esteem and their family and friendship relationships.


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