Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024)

Impacts of Lexism Throughout Life: Interviewing Adults with Dyslexia

Beatriz Martín del Campo
Marina Ivorra Gomis
Published December 3, 2024


Dyslexia, Emotions, Adulthood, Inclusive education, Thematic analysis
How to Cite
Martín del Campo, B., & Ivorra Gomis, M. (2024). Impacts of Lexism Throughout Life: Interviewing Adults with Dyslexia. Internacional Journal of Education for Social Justice, 13(2), 171–190. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2024.13.2.010


The purpose of this study is to explore the school experiences of adults with dyslexia, the emotions associated with these experiences, and how they have impacted their adult lives. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 individuals diagnosed with dyslexia. We performed a Thematic Analysis of memories pertaining to school experiences, extracurricular activities, and adult life, alongside a tally of emotions referenced in the interviews. This information was augmented by an analysis of the participants' vocational trajectories. We found narratives about school experiences marked by failure. The educational system fails to provide necessary support, making families the sole source of aid. The results show a plethora of negative emotions associated with memories of the school years. These emotions soften in adulthood, although the impact of past experiences on the present is evident. It is essential to establish support protocols in educational institutions for students with reading disabilities, as well as to address the needs of adults, both in the workplace and in other contexts where difficulties in written language impede access to employment benefits.


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