The Admission Exam to the National Autonomous University of Mexico: Validity Evidence of a Large Scale High-Stakes Test
Higher education admission, Summative assessment, Multiple choice test, Student selection, ValidityThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Unported License.
Introduction. Higher education institutions’ admission exams are summative high-stakes tests that have important consequences for applicants, so they require validity evidence to assure that appropriate inferences are made with the results. The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is the most sought-after higher education institution in the country, annually less than 10% of applicants that take the test are admitted. Methods. Analysis of the sources of the test validity evidence was performed using Messick and Kane conceptual frameworks, as well as the AERA-APA-NCME Standards, with the information generated from the February 2019 admission test in 148.407 applicants. Results: Test validity evidence was identified from content, response process, internal structure, relationship with other variables and consequences. Results suggest that the test has enough validity evidence, to state that the instrument is robust as a technical tool for knowledge assessment and as a source of information for high-stakes decisions. Discussion. It is crucial that institutions that use these tools document their validity evidence, since they have great social relevance. It is necessary to perform periodic longitudinal studies about the test use and its implications, since social and educational conditions in the context of the applicant population are dynamic.
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