Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)

Authentic Assessment and Learning Oriented Assessment in Higher Education. A Review in International Databases

Emilio José Barrientos-Hernán
Víctor M. López-Pastor
Dario Pérez-Brunicardi
Published May 21, 2020


Authentic assessment, Learning oriented assessment, Higher education, Formative assessment, Student involvement in assessment
How to Cite
Barrientos-Hernán, E. J., López-Pastor, V. M., & Pérez-Brunicardi, D. (2020). Authentic Assessment and Learning Oriented Assessment in Higher Education. A Review in International Databases. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 13(2), 67–83. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2020.13.2.004


This paper analyses a review of the international literature on “Learning Oriented Assessment” (LOA) and “Authentic Assessment” (AA) in Higher Education (HE). The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) implies new challenges on Formative Assessmet (FA) and the approaches related to it. A literature review has been carried out using three international databases: WOS, ERIC and Google Scholar. A content analysis has been carried out establishing two categories: LOA and AA. The main results on LOA are: (1) Assessment tasks should be designed to stimulate sound learning practices amongst students; (2) Assessment should involve students actively in engaging with criteria, quality, their own and/or peers’ performance; (3) Feedback should be timely and forward-looking so as to support current and future student learning. Most of the experiences show positive aspects using LOA-HE. The results on AA-HE show the main criteria to define it as: (1) do authentic tasks in the classroom with the same or similar characteristics to real life work-tasks; (2) use mimetic or similar contexts to real-work spaces. Most of the experiences show that students assessed very positively this type of assessment due to their connection with real life and/or future world contexts.


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