Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020): Aprendiendo a Evaluar para Aprender en la Educación Superior

Socioemotional Education: Description and Evaluation of a Training Program for Teachers

Teresita Marchant Orrego
Neva Milicic Müller
Paulina Soto Vásquez
Published April 21, 2020


Socioemotional education, Self-esteem, School climate, Teacher’s professional development, Socioemotional Development programs
How to Cite
Marchant Orrego, T., Milicic Müller, N., & Soto Vásquez, P. (2020). Socioemotional Education: Description and Evaluation of a Training Program for Teachers. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 13(1), 185–203. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2020.13.1.008


The objective of this article is to describe a professional teacher’s development program in socioemotional education and present some results of its impact in the self-esteem of students.  It was executed in 12 subsidized private schools that attend economic vulnerable students from Preschool (4 years old) to High School (17 years old) and belong to an Educational Foundation in Santiago, Chile.  It was executed the years 2007-2017, in training cycles of two years in each school. The most important topics that were addressed in the training given by experts, through theoretical sessions, workshops and educational materials, were defined with the  schools. For example: Socioemotional learning in the school context; Variables that help to the construction of identity and positive self-esteem; Contribution of neurodiversity to socioemotional development; Resilience and socioemotional learning; School climate and social coexistence; Bullying and socioemotional development; Socioemotional learning and teacher well-being.The implementation of this program is described, emphasizing the value of socioemotional learning, how to develop competences in this area and how to insert it into the school context. Data are provided of 2,865 students evaluated pre-post intervention.


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