Vol. 17 No. 1 (2024): Evaluation and Qualification: A Toxic Relationship?: Differentiated Functions and Purposes and Coexistence Models
Monographic section

Professional Learning Communities to Implement Formative Evaluation. From the Evaluation of Student Learning to the Evaluation of Teaching Practice

Mariana Morales Lobo
Juan G. Fernández
Published April 30, 2024


Professional learning communities , Formative assessment, Teacher professional development, Educational research, Feedback
How to Cite
Morales Lobo, M., & Fernández, J. G. (2024). Professional Learning Communities to Implement Formative Evaluation. From the Evaluation of Student Learning to the Evaluation of Teaching Practice. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 17(1), 25–38. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2024.17.1.002


Formative assessment is clear in education legislation and is one of the key features of assessment at all stages of compulsory education. However, its implementation is varied and its purpose is misunderstood by some teachers. This article reviews the implementation attempts that have been carried out in a wide variety of schools, from the point of view of teacher trainers who try to train faculty to carry out such implementation successfully. Based on this review, different strategies are suggested for teachers to change their view of assessment, highlighting the role that the generation of professional learning communities can play in this process, its achievements, and its challenges.


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