Methodological Approach for the Evaluation of the Impact of Graduates in the Environment: A Case Study
Evaluation, Impact, Higher education, Educational quality, Social impact
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This article presents a methodological proposal for evaluating the impact of graduates from higher education institutions, based on a case study at a Colombian university. The Graduate Impact Index (GII) was used to measure the university's contribution in four key components: comprehensive training, development of interpersonal skills, social mobility, and improvement of quality of life. The evaluation considers not only the academic impact but also a sociocultural perspective, recognizing the diversity of contexts of the graduates, particularly those in situations of social vulnerability. Surveys were conducted with 956 graduates between 2015 and 2022, employing a simple random sampling method. The results show that the GII reached 72% of the expected value (1), with interpersonal skills and perceptions of university training being determining factors, scoring higher. The challenges of conducting contextualized educational evaluations are discussed, particularly in environments with social, cultural, and economic diversity, and how higher education can act as an agent of social mobility and well-being.
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