Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024): Assessment and Feedback for Learning Improvement
Monographic section

Feedback for Translation Learning: An Exploratory Case Study

Maria Dolors Cañada Pujols
Gemma Andújar Moreno
Published November 1, 2024


Assessment, Written corrective feedback, Translation, Assessment modalities, Students
How to Cite
Cañada Pujols, M. D., & Andújar Moreno, G. (2024). Feedback for Translation Learning: An Exploratory Case Study. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 17(2), 27–44. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2024.17.2.002


In translation training, assessment and feedback have attracted scholarly interest (Hurtado Albir, 2019), although empirical research is still scanty. Our aim is to contribute to filling this relative gap by focusing on final-year undergraduate translation students’ beliefs and experiences in this regard. The data collection instrument was an online questionnaire, based on the proposal by Henderson et al. (2016) and adapted to the characteristics of assessment and feedback in translator training at university level. Although the sample is limited to 30 students, the results provide information on the students’ concept of feedback and the frequency and usefulness of the feedback modalities and instruments they have experienced. Some of the modalities appear to be more frequent than useful, suggesting the need for teachers to rethink the way they assess translations so that the feedback they provide is truly formative.


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