The assessment nightmare: Analysis of university students' dreams
Student evaluation, Examination, Dreams, Universities, Educational SystemsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Unported License.
Dreams help us in order to remember what we learn. It is useful to prepare people for learning in a high grade and to generate new ideas. The descriptive research aims are to analyse the frequency and the thematic of university students dreams about their experience in the educational system. Therefore, this research is conducted in order to go deeper on the most relevant topics related to the above – mentioned dreams. For those purposes, this study includes 312 students relative to two grades of education at Cadiz University (Spain). Regard the topics of their dreams, we have analyzed 1134 descriptions through an open – ended questionnaire. The results show us that once a week students dream about their school career. Furthermore, most of these dreams are substantially negative and they pivot on the assessment scope. It has been observed that most dreams are commonly about failing an exam or being late to sit it. All the results are useful to reflect, from another perspective, the assessment direction and impacts on formal education.
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