Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020): Aprendiendo a Evaluar para Aprender en la Educación Superior
Monographic section

Project-based Learning and Formative Assessment Strategies: Perception of University Students

Víctor Abella García
Vanesa Ausín Villaverde
Vanesa Delgado Benito
Raquel Casado Muñoz
Published April 20, 2020


Assessment, Formative assessment, Active learning, Higher education, Self-assessment
How to Cite
Abella García, V., Ausín Villaverde, V., Delgado Benito, V., & Casado Muñoz, R. (2020). Project-based Learning and Formative Assessment Strategies: Perception of University Students. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 13(1), 93–110. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2020.13.1.004


In the European Higher Education Area there are changes in the teaching and learning methodologies. These changes are affecting the didactic strategies, which are changing towards more active methodologies. But they also affect assessment strategies, increasingly seeking student involvement because it has been shown as a key element to improve learning. This paper shows the results of a didactic experience that combined Project Based Learning (PBL) with formative assessment strategies. Once the project was completed, a descriptive study was carried out through the application of a questionnaire to analyze the students' perception of the formative strategies of self-evaluation and peer-asessment applied during the development of the project. The experience involved 120 university students during two academic courses. The results have shown that there are certain barriers that students perceive when they are involved in formative and shared evaluation strategies. They indicated that they feel uncomfortable when they evaluate their classmates and they did not perceive the experience as motivating. However, the formative and shared evaluation has seemed to them a fairer system than only the teacher assesses their assignments. The results have also shown the importance of knowing from the beginning the criteria that will guide the evaluation, criteria that should be clear and understandable. It is important to continue with the implementation and research on formative and shared evaluation strategies that make the student aware of both their way of learning and the need to reflect on their work from a critical perspective.


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