No. 20 (2020): Special Issue: Teaching Argumentation in Brazil and Argentina

The teaching of argumentation in the university: Teaching intervention in the elaboration of student conference papers

Esther Lopez
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Published June 23, 2020


argumentation, writing, university students, action research, papers
How to Cite
Lopez, E. (2020). The teaching of argumentation in the university: Teaching intervention in the elaboration of student conference papers. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (20), 249–266.


It is undeniable to ignore the gap that separates the reading and writing practices that take place at the secondary level and those that are necessary in the university to access disciplinary knowledge and the construction of scientific knowledge. The awareness of this situation of disadvantage with which students arrive at the first year of university has led to the implementation of actions aimed at addressing writing in university classrooms. In this sense, the objective of this work is to give an account of how university entrants can be helped to write a special argumentative text based on the written feedback given by a teacher of a first-year Humanities subject at a public university to a group of students participating in action research cycles through the use of digital written comments.


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