No. 15 (2017)
Número especial: Argumentación y Creatividad

The epistemic side of abductions: Creativity in projected-truths

Alger Sans Pinillos
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Published December 26, 2017


abduction, creativity, existential abduction, Feyerabend, Hanson, Łukasiewicz, projected-truth, Thagard
How to Cite
Sans Pinillos, A. (2017). The epistemic side of abductions: Creativity in projected-truths. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (15), 77–91.


In this article I try to show that the epistemological component of abductions is creativity and, to do so, I will use an analysis of Thagard's concept of projected-truth as well as reflections on ?ukasiewicz's creativity. In the third part I present a real case, using Thagard's theory and introducing Hanson, to make the transition from logical and computational discourse to philosophy of science. At the end I will address one of the current challenges in order to explain creativity namely the necessary and absolute interaction of each thinking subject, and therefore creative in action, with everything around him. To do this, I intend to introduce Feyerabend into the debate, which cleverly analyzes and dismantles the individualist idea of creation.


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