Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Indigenous Knowledge and Education: Experiences and Perspectives in the Americas

“Down/free-time” and significant experiences at CPI in Bogotá

Carmen María Sánchez Caro
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Published July 1, 2024


Indigenous education, autochthonous childhood, indigenous early, childhood education and care, early childhood
How to Cite
Sánchez Caro, C. M. (2024). “Down/free-time” and significant experiences at CPI in Bogotá. Revista Educación, Política Y Sociedad, 9(2), 107–127. https://doi.org/10.15366/reps2024.9.2.004


Based on a multidisciplinary approach in educational sciences, this article aims to explore the notion of "down/free-time" in what they represent in a pedagogical approach specific to Indigenous professionals in Bogotá. A methodology built around video observations, interviews and charlas, strives to capture children's experiences of "down/free-time" in three Casas de pensamiento indigena (CPI), crossing the views of parents, professionals and community leaders (Taitas from now on). Our analyses lead us to the continuum of “down/free-time " and activity-time for young children, through the pedagogical follow-through provided by Indigenous professionals, in relation to moments spent in the discontinuity of "down/free-time".


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