educational pact, costs and consequences, equity, rigidity.Copyright (c) 2020 Revista Educación, Política y Sociedad
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In the context of the ongoing debate to reach a National Pact on Education in Spain, this article identifies and attempts to quantify the costs and consequences of failing to reach such Pact, i.e. of not building political consensus around the key policies and fundamental decisions associated to quality learning for all students. We carry out a brief analysis of the Spanish education system and discuss the negative impact that its rigidity and inertia have had on students, particularly on those from low socioeconomic background. With some existing empirical studies and adding new estimations, we quantify the impact of failing to agree on long-term goals in terms of learning, social cohesion, employment and economic growth. The conclusions are relevant and compelling, and warrant an urgent call for action to political parties and education stakeholders.Downloads
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