No. 36 (2017): Migrations in the current International System: forced migrations and global capitalism dynamics

The family too: Integration and family reunification procedures for refugees in the European Union

Published October 28, 2017


Family reunification , Refugee protection , Refugee integration , Best interests of the child , Access to information
How to Cite
BENITO OTAZU, L. (2017). The family too: Integration and family reunification procedures for refugees in the European Union. Relaciones Internacionales, (36), 51–71.


The degree of inclusion and protection which the refugee population can be offered in countries of asylum within the European Union depends on factors above and beyond those traditionally considered, and which refer to asylum procedures or rights to asylum. This article puts forward the centrality of the family as one such factor.  Likewise, through an examination of various family reunification procedures —both within the Common European Asylum System and outwith it—, it calls for coherence between the findings of studies on refugee integration and the present lukewarm application of family reunification.


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