n. 21 (2016): Orientalismos periféricos

To be Myself and have My Stealthy Freedom: The Iranian Women’s Engagement with Social Media

Gi Yeon Koo
Seoul National University
Publicado dezembro 16, 2016
Como Citar
Koo, G. Y. (2016). To be Myself and have My Stealthy Freedom: The Iranian Women’s Engagement with Social Media. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (21). https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2016.21.011


The objective of this research is to explore the development of digital social and social movements at the local level through Iranian women’s engagement with social media. In this article, I delve into the cultural and social background of a Facebook page named “My Stealthy Freedom” and the practices of “cyber feminism” in Iran through an anthropological perspective. This online movement finds its value in that it has become a new platform for the women to raise their voices in public online sphere about their human right and freedom. By examining the online and offline discourses about Iranian hijab policy, I aim to understand how Iranian society is creating new spaces for the formation of public discourse.

Keywords: My Stealthy Freedom, Facebook, Social Media, Hijab, Iran.


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