The Rumor and the Representations of Class, Gender and Religion in the origins of Tunisian Revolution Javier Socías Baeza 1-14 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Between individual thinkers and women’s associations: an overview of the “female issue” during the first half of the French protectorate in Tunisia Tatiana Hernández-Justo 15-30 DOI: PDF
Tunisian women’s unfinished revolution ten years after Arab Spring Carmen Garratón Mateu 31-48 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Consequences of the Spanish-Algerian crises within the framework of the World gas’ petrolisation Aurelia Mañé-Estrada 49-62 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
The Moroccan parliament and the nature of the political system ten years after the 2011 constitutional reform Omar Brouksy 63-75 DOI: PDF (Français (France))
Social ties with the society of origin. The case of Maghreb people in the Basque Country Zakariae Cheddadi El Haddad 76-93 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
The European Union new pact on migration and asylum and its impact on the common security and defence policy Miguel Acosta Sánchez 94-117 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Areas of sovereignty and jurisdiction in the Mediterranean : a study of the new processes of territorialization in the light of international law Víctor Luis Gutiérrez Castillo 118-143 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Spanish Official Development Aid to Palestine since the beginning of the Oslo Process: Contributing to peacebuilding? Lucía López Arias, Diego Checa Hidalgo 144-174 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
France in the Syrian war: A historical conditioning and a candidate for influence Daniel López Roche 175-194 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
The non-citizen as an agent of change: the case of Afghan otherness in the Islamic Republic of Iran Moisés Garduño García 195-213 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Deconstruction of the Zionist National Identity: the ideological origins of the expulsion of the Arabs Jose Manuel Castillo Manteca 214-233 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Review of Irene FERNÁNDEZ-MOLINA and Miguel HERNANDO DE LARRAMENDI (eds.)(2021): Foreign policy in North Africa, Routledge, London & New York Alicia Olmo Gómez 234-236 PDF (Español (España))
Review of Rubén PAREDES RODRÍGUEZ (compilador) (2021): A diez años de la Primavera Árabe: los desafíos de una región convulsa, UNR Editora, Rosario. Judith Blanco Guillén 237-239 PDF (Español (España))
Review of Abdennour BENANTAR (ed.) (2021): Le Maghreb et la crise entre les monarchies du Golfe. Une neutralité positive, L’Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives Méditerranéennes, Paris. Said Kirhlani 240-245 PDF (Español (España))
Review of Josep Lluis MATEO DIESTE (2021): Recordando a las tatas. Mujeres domésticas y esclavitud en Tetuán (siglos XIX-XX), Comares, Granada Manuela Marín 246-249 PDF (Español (España))
Review of MARÍA LOIS y AHMET AKKAYA (eds.) (2020): Estrategias descoloniales en comunidades sin Estado, Madrid, Catarata. Cristina 250-254 PDF (Español (España))
Review of El Kadaoui, Saïd (2020): Radical(es). Una reflexión sobre la identidad, Catedral, Barcelona. Salma Kalil El Aazzaoui 255-257 PDF (Español (España))
Review of Celeste CEDILLO GONZÁLEZ y Julieta ESPÍN OCAMPO (2021): Human displacement from a Global South perspective. Migration dynamics in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. Palgrave Macmillan. David Hernández Martínez 258-263 PDF (Español (España))