No. 37 (2024): Palestine and North Africa: between State pragmatism and popular solidarity with the Palestinian cause

Palestine and North Africa: between State pragmatism and popular solidarity with the Palestinian cause

Bárbara Azaola Piazza
Laurence Thieux
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Foto portada. Autor Mohammed El Khamlichi, Zoco Chico, Tánger. 20 Octubre 2024
Published December 19, 2024


Palestine, North Africa, Civil society, States, Pragmatism
How to Cite
Azaola Piazza, B., & Thieux, L. (2024). Palestine and North Africa: between State pragmatism and popular solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (37), 1–5. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/reim/article/view/reim2024_37_00


This special issue focuses on the analysis of the forms and modalities of solidarity with the Palestinian cause in the different countries of North Africa, highlighting the increasingly evident gap between the strong ties of solidarity with Palestine in the region's civil societies and the pragmatic position of their governments. The eight articles that make up the monograph analyse the Palestinian cause from different perspectives, including contributions with a more historical perspective.


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ÁLVAREZ-OSSORIO, Ignacio y ABU-TARBUSH, José (2024): Gaza. Crónica de una Nakba anunciada, Madrid, Libros de La Catarata.

HAMMAD, Isabella (2024): Recognising the stranger. On Palestine and Narrative, Dublin, Fern Press.

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