No. 29 (2020): Sharia in the 21st century. Discussions.

The economic and cultural capitals of families as predictors of student performance in Spain and Morocco

Miguel Ángel Lozano Pérez
Universidad de Granada
Antonio Trinidad Requena
Universidad de Granada
Published December 17, 2020


Cultural capital, Economic capital, Student performance, Morocco, Spain
How to Cite
Lozano Pérez, M. Ángel, & Trinidad Requena, A. (2020). The economic and cultural capitals of families as predictors of student performance in Spain and Morocco. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (29), 130–151. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2020.29.010


Leading international assessments in the field of education show that family origins influence student performance, and that the degree of relation between these variables differs from one country to another. This raises the following question: how do family origins contribute to inequality of opportunities in education? To answer this question, we analyse two societies located on both sides of one of the world’s most unequal borders: Spain and Morocco. We posit that economic and cultural capitals have a cumulative effect on inequality of opportunities in education. However, the higher level of socio-economic development makes cultural capital a better predictor in Spain than in Morocco, while the economic background of families carries greater weight in Morocco. To test this hypothesis we analyse data from PIRLS 2016. Our findings bear out the hypothesis, but with a higher support for Morocco than for Spain.


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