Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024): Between Algorithms and Datafication. Challenges for the Construction of a Democratic and Transformative Educational System in the Digital Society

Families' Perceptions of the Use of Commercial Digital Platforms in Public Schools: A Study of Trust and Digital Privacy

Pablo Rivera-Vargas
Diego Calderón-Garrido
Ainara Moreno-González
Belén Massó-Guijarro
Published April 7, 2024


Digital platforms, Public education, Digital competence, Confidence, Families
How to Cite
Rivera-Vargas, P., Calderón-Garrido, D., Moreno-González, A., & Massó-Guijarro, B. (2024). Families’ Perceptions of the Use of Commercial Digital Platforms in Public Schools: A Study of Trust and Digital Privacy . REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(2), 85–99. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.2.005


As a growing number of research reflects, the process of platformisation in education has generated a range of concerns about the educational use of digital platforms, but few studies focus on the essential role of families in this new setting. This article aims to provide evidence on families' perceptions of the trust they place in schools in the care of their children or wards when using this type of digital resources or media, and the possible implications of this for children's rights. Drawing on a quantitative methodology that included the application of a questionnaire to families with children enrolled in a public school in Catalonia (n=1,639), we shed light on a wide range of perceptions around the use of digital educational platforms. While some participants value the usefulness of these platforms during the pandemic, others express concerns related to data privacy and the possibility of discrimination and cyberbullying. It is concluded that there is a need to stimulate further research focusing on the key role of families in addressing the ethical and social issues arising from digitisation in education.


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