Meaningful work, Work engagement, Support, Leadership, TeacherThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Previous studies found the phenomenon that the level of work engagement (WE) is deficient in various parts of the world, including in educational organizations. This research aims to analyze how perceived organizational support (POS) and servant leadership (SL) in schools affect teachers' WE. Additionally, this research also aims to examine the mediating role of meaningful work (MW). This research was conducted with a cross-sectional study design with the PLS-SEM method. The research data was obtained through a self-reported questionnaire from 176 school teachers in Jakarta and Bogor, Indonesia. The results revealed that MW is the strongest predictor with the highest effect on teachers' WE. In addition, POS is the strongest predictor of teachers' MW. However, the role of MW as a mediator in this study has a smaller effect than the direct relationship between POS and teachers’ WE and between SL and teachers' WE. Therefore, schools need to provide maximum support to teachers and ensure that teachers can interpret their work and realize that their work has a positive contribution to have high work engagement
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