Vol. 19 No. 4 (2021): Innovación educativa

Educational Innovation with ICT in Latin American Universities: Multi-Country Study

Ángel Deroncele-Acosta
Patricia Medina-Zuta
Félix Fernando Goñi-Cruz
Mariel Michessedett Montes-Castillo
Eldis Roman-Cao
Eloísa Gallegos Santiago
Portada del Volumen 19, Número 4 de REICE
Published September 29, 2021


Educational innovation, ICT, University, Latin America, Formative potential
How to Cite
Deroncele-Acosta, Ángel, Medina-Zuta, P., Goñi-Cruz, F. F., Montes-Castillo, M. M., Roman-Cao, E., & Gallegos Santiago, E. (2021). Educational Innovation with ICT in Latin American Universities: Multi-Country Study. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 19(4). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2021.19.4.009


Research has shown that institutional conditions are essential to enhance educational innovation with ICT. However, articulating pertinent strategies for this requires examining technological leadership, as well as management and appropriation aspects. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the Institutional Conditions to promote Educational Innovation with ICT (CIIETIC) from the perspective of teachers. A mixed methodological approach was deployed, applying a heterogeneous comparative case study. The data (processed with SPSS and Atlas.Ti) were collected through an online survey of 154 teachers from 4 Latin American universities. It was found that the CIIETIC among the participating universities are similar, with specific differences. Three critical success factors were revealed: participation in professional ICT learning communities; training and permanent updating in ICT; implementation and equipping of laboratories with Internet access in universities. Thus, implementing an educational innovation with ICT in Latin American universities requires institutional conditions that privilege these critical success factors, from the management of formative potential of the actors of the educational process and the recognition of potentialities of studies on Higher Education in the region, allowing contextualize the updating, access, learning, innovation and use of ICT.


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