Vol. 19 No. 4 (2021): Innovación educativa

The Context and Educational Innovation

Jaume Martínez Bonafé
Julio Rogero Anaya
Portada del Volumen 19, Número 4 de REICE
Published September 29, 2021


Socio-educational context; Innovation; Change; Relations; Educational policy., Socio-educational context, Innovation, Change, interpersonal relationship, Educational policy
How to Cite
Martínez Bonafé, J., & Rogero Anaya, J. (2021). The Context and Educational Innovation. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 19(4). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2021.19.4.004


This article proposes a reflection on the socio-educational context in which educational innovations occur, in addition to reviewing the concept of innovation itself. We frequently observe educational policies that are distanced from the context in which they intend to implement their regulations. This hinders the necessary relationship that should exist between innovation and contextual conditions both external to the educational center and internal. Three issues are addressed in the school-environment relationship. The first is the penetration into the school of the complex daily reality with its cultural codes, habits and behaviors. The second considers that an emancipatory education sinks its roots in the territory where it lives and develops its educational project. The third recognizes that outside of school, in the city, there is also a curriculum and makes it his own. Public policies condition the school institution, which, in turn, is also conditioned by the moment in which each of the members of the school community is found. Our global context directly affects our immediate environment, and any innovative proposal in the social and cultural project of education must take it into account. A transformative innovation is impossible without taking into account the sociocultural environment in which it is proposed and developed.


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