Vol. 18 No. 4 (2020): School segregation

Socio-Economic Segregation Evolution at the Public Education in Uruguay

Fiorella Ferrando
Melissa Hernández-Almeida
Cecilia Oreiro
María Noé Seijas
Joana Urraburu
Portada del Volumen 18, número 4 de la revista REICE
Published September 21, 2020


School segregation, Public education, Social insurance, Minority group, Uruguay
How to Cite
Ferrando, F., Hernández-Almeida, M., Oreiro, C., Seijas, M. N., & Urraburu, J. (2020). Socio-Economic Segregation Evolution at the Public Education in Uruguay. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 18(4), 143–169. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2020.18.4.006


This paper seeks to measure educational segregation in Uruguayan public education centers in 2013-2019, according to the student’s level of vulnerability. In order to do this, equality and exposure indices are estimated (Dissimilarity; Gorard; Square root) and exposure (isolation) to analyze the level of student segregation in preschool, primary and lower secondary education (general and vocational). In 2019, the highest segregation associated with the equality dimension was found in preschool and primary, followed by lower secondary education. In all subsystems, the urban inland is the least segregated region. In all cases, segregation increases in the period. Considering the exposure, the most segregated subsystem is lower secondary education (vocational), Finally, it is found that segregation within regions explains almost all of it and increases its weight in the period in preschool, primary and vocational education, although the weight of segregation between regions increases in the case of general education. A marked territorial stamp could explain the greater segregation of preschool and primary. In vocational education, the higher proportion of vulnerability explains the higher values of the isolation index, despite having greater equality than in secondary education


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