Pictorial Education as an Alternative to Communication in Deaf Children
Deaf, Special needs education, Art, Movement education, Art education.Copyright (c) 2020 REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education
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This research analyzes the extent to which pictorial education can help deaf children in their expressive graphic development through painting, and identifies if this is related to changes in their level of social interaction and their understanding of the vocabulary of Mexican Sign Language (msl). For this, an experimental design of pre-experimental type and post-test pre-test with a single group was used, with the participation of seven deaf minors between the ages of 6 and 12, all children of hearing parents. This research is mixed-cut and presents similar observations in the results of its qualitative and quantitative components. There was an improvement in the results of the variable understanding of vocabulary, an increase in the technical-expressive development of the infant and there was an increase in the participation of collective creations, creativity in the use of materials and elements of plastic language. On the impact that this experimental treatment would have on the level of social interaction and understanding of the vocabulary of the participants, there was an agreement between the data collected qualitatively and quantitatively, and, on the perception of an increase in these skills. Finally, some important findings that were not contemplated in the initial objectives are presented.
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