Vol. 18 No. 2 (2020): Research for transforming and improving education

"Resilient" Reconstructions of Teachers Professional Identity: Endoprivatization and Performative Culture in Andalusia (Spain)

Javier Molina-Pérez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Espanha
Published March 9, 2020


Neoliberalism, Identity, Secondary school teachers, Educational policy, Educational reform.
How to Cite
Molina-Pérez, J., & Luengo, J. (2020). "Resilient" Reconstructions of Teachers Professional Identity: Endoprivatization and Performative Culture in Andalusia (Spain). REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 18(2), 57–75. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2020.18.2.003


The purpose of this research is to understand how the reforms performed under the neoliberal agenda could be transforming the identity of teachers together with the teaching practices. Methodologically, an inductive approach has been followed, stablished in the Grounded Theory. A theoretical sampling is defined by relevant criteria and limited to the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. An in-depth semi-structured interview is proposed; it’s been developed with twelve teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education. The results show the shape of a performative teacher, who is pedagogically limited, not considered in spaces of decision about their performance in the classroom, and whose role is delegitimized by the administration. Therefore, the neoliberal agenda calls for a new "resilient" reconstruction of professional identity. The aim is to put aside that feeling of weariness and intellectual blaming that teachers perceive producing new professional profiles typical of a flexible, agile and emotionally intelligent teacher. It is about narrowing critical spaces down to the individual sphere and being able to find emotional balances that will allow dissatisfied professionals to deal with the pressures of the neoliberal context.


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