Epistemological Beliefs on Secondary Students in the Acceptance and Use of Facebook
Belief, Epistemology, Social networks, Computer uses in education, Religious education, Educational research.Abstract
Students' beliefs for learning purposes, evolve with their age and experiences; what allows to explain the acceptance and use of a didactic-technological means. In this way, we sought to: Understand the relationship between epistemological beliefs and the acceptance and use of Facebook and describe the final categories that constitute students' epistemological beliefs in their learning experiences with the social network in question. A phenomenological approach was applied based on semi-structured and in-depth interviews. The sample consisted of 10 secondary school students, who had the experience of developing learning activities on Facebook throughout the 2018 school year. The results indicate that the beliefs of the students regarding the possibilities of learning in the environment of The Facebook page "Virtual Environment of Religion" are valid predictors for acceptance and use in the area of religious education. Indeed, it was identified that the facility, the time invested, the social influence, as well as the academic and learning benefits constitute the students' beliefs to accept and use the page in question. It is suggested to carry out similar studies under a mixed paradigm with transversal and / or longitudinal designs, in order to strengthen the theoretical framework of ict curricular integration.
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