The Task of the Inclusive Leader in Educational Centers in Disadvantaged and Favored Areas
Inclusive education, Leadership, Disadvantaged schools, Educational administrators.Abstract
The participative, democratic and transformational leadership of the director exerts a positive influence on the practice of the teaching staff and on the quality of the learning and participation of all the students, as well as on the improvement of the centers and the creation of an inclusive culture. An ex-post facto quantitative, cross-sectional type is carried out whose purpose is to know the management tasks that promote inclusion and determine which characteristics, of the directors and centers, correlate positively. In this article, we present the results of the questionnaire: Leading Inclusive Education (LEI-Q) applied to 397 family members and teaching teams from 17 educational centers. In data analysis, it is descriptive and inferential, using the non-parametric U Man-Whitney test. The results show that the members of the educational community (teaching staff and families) of all the participating centers consider that their management teams have implemented "substantially" most of the actions that contribute to their centers being inclusive. However, the management teams of centers located in favored contexts have done so more than those in disadvantaged contexts and, more significantly, in the actions pertaining to the professional learning community and managing teaching-learning processes.
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