Vol. 3 No. 2 (2005): Equity in Education

Gestión de las Reformas Educacionales en América Latina en los 90. Primeras Aproximaciones a un Proceso Complejo

Carlos Concha Albornoz
Universidad de Zaragoza - España
Published July 9, 2016


Quality, Effectiveness, Change, Improvement, Equity, Innovation,
How to Cite
Concha Albornoz, C. (2016). Gestión de las Reformas Educacionales en América Latina en los 90. Primeras Aproximaciones a un Proceso Complejo. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2005.3.2.008


The document is about the management of the educational reforms in Latin America in years 90. It develops an analysis from other point of view in the studies of the reform on which it exists a few and disperses literature. The text characterizes the management of the reforms, but it doesn’t talk about his results. In the nineties converges a series of internal and external processes in the region, made possible the movement of educational reform. Great importance had the conviction of important political, economic and academic groups Latin American about the importance of the educational sector to obtain the insertion of our countries in the new world order that arose after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The document emphasizes the role of the Consensus of Washington, the Jomtiem Conference, the contributions of CEPAL and the agencies of international financing had, specially the World Bank and the I.A.D.B. Similarly, the sprouting of national equipment able to give conduction to the reform processes. The document indicates the presence of common denominators able to as much impel the processes of reform in relation to its contents, its management processes, administration and direction. Similarly, the presence of historical, cultural and institutional elements that made difficult for the reform development.


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