Quality, Effectiveness, Change, Improvement, Equity, InnovationCopyright (c) 2023 REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación
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We shall all agree that the school, when losing the monopoly of knowledge, lost the ability to teach on its own. It needs, as the laws and theoreticians state, the involvement of the families and the community. One of the forms that the school has to reach its community includes planning activities with the local authorities, churches, diverse groups and civil organizations. A case of school improvement based on the agreement between social actors that occur at the English Olympics in the city of Rafaela (Province of Santa Fe, Argentinean Republic) is analyzed in this work. The decision of making the Olympics part of the pedagogy of the English teaching staff of the Superior Institute of the Teaching Staff N*2 “Dr. Joaquín V. González”, requesting the collaboration of the local municipal authorities, of the English teachers of the mid schools of the city and of diverse businessmen that participated as sponsors. Some of their objectives were: To stimulate the study of the English language among youngsters and to promote through a healthy competition the linguistic abilities of the language. To encourage in the young, the development of values. Two characteristics of this competition must be highlighted: the free participation and the equal opportunity for all the participants in what makes the young and the jointed work and responsible of diverse sectors of the society to achieve success and continuity.
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