Vol. 8 No. 3 (2010): Community Participation in School Improvement

Alternatives of Improvement of the Educative Participation of the Families as Instrument for the Educative Quality

Published June 28, 2016


Educative-participation, family-teacher relationship, quality, improvement alternatives
How to Cite
de la Guardia Romero, R. M., & Santana Armas, F. (2016). Alternatives of Improvement of the Educative Participation of the Families as Instrument for the Educative Quality. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 8(3). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2010.8.3.001


The alternatives that the teaching staff and the families have proposed to improve the quality of the Educative Participation are analyzed in the present investigation. The sample is formed by a group of 8 educative experts, a pilot sample of 35 professors and a definitive sample of 695 professors and 1305 parents of 223 educative centers pertaining to 30 municipalities of Tenerife. The design used in this investigation has been qualitative. The answers to the open questions, on alternatives which they think could improve the quality of the participation were submitted under a process of categorization by means of the technique of the content analysis. For both sectors the alternatives to improve the quality of the participation, goes mainly by educative-pedagogic changes. The most relevant alternative is going to differ depending on one sector or the other, although in both the alternative reflects a deficiency in the other sector. For the teaching staff, the improvement alternative covers the lack of family formation while for the parents it fills the vacuity of information that they have coming from the teaching staff. On the other hand, the educative experts insist more on causing the importance that the society should give to the education demanding a high quality public service through the creation of joint platforms for a democratic management. In addition the also demand that the articles should be less academism and that the educative goals should be more adequate to the social reality lived by the students.



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