Vol. 8 No. 4 (2010)

Educational Leaderships before the Position of Directors. A New Stage of Training

Published June 28, 2016


Quality, Effectiveness, Change, Improvement, Equity, Innovation
How to Cite
Galdames-Poblete, S., & Rodríguez-Espinoza, S. (2016). Educational Leaderships before the Position of Directors. A New Stage of Training. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 8(4). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2010.8.4.003


The academic review identifies the leadership of educational organizations as one of the main variables that impact on improved performance of establishments and the overall system. Thus emerges the figure of the professional positions of institutional leadership, and their processes and stages of formation, as a relevant element for strengthening the achievement of the goals of the educative system. This paper aims to know the basis for the development of processes in educational leadership training prior to formal charges. The initial concern was to consider that leadership practices of teacher management is the expression of a pre-charge process. From a literature review, the questions we want answered are: How other countries build  educational leadership training programs?, What does international experience in leadership training programs prior to the formal charge tell us?, How is this situation in Chile?. The purpose is to inform and discuss possible courses of action possible to take as a country, to strengthen the managerial role and improve learning for thousands of students.


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