Vol. 22 No. 4 (2024): Teaching Careers and Institutional Contexts that Promote Equity

Dissident Directive Action for Educational Equity

Rosa Vázquez Recio
Guadalupe Calvo García
Teresa García Gómez
Published October 3, 2024


Privatization, normalization, Teaching, Education inequalities
How to Cite
Vázquez Recio, R., Calvo García, G., & García Gómez, T. (2024). Dissident Directive Action for Educational Equity. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(4), 33–51. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.4.002


The purpose of this research is to learn about and understand management action in contexts of inequality in order to promote educational equity and social justice. The research has been developed in a school in a complex context marked by inequalities and marginalization. To do this, we position ourselves in the ethnographic method specified in the case study, using non-participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews and document analysis. The results obtained show the need to consider the immediate context, his or her daily life and that of the school, in which the head teacher develops his or her action (not merely function) in order to confront inequalities and exclusion and to provide educational processes that guarantee, as far as possible, equity and social justice. It is concluded that dissident, contextualized and socio-critical managerial action makes such action possible. The research will be used as a reference to show that other ways of understanding management make it possible to achieve equity and to counteract the neoliberal measures of current education policies


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