The Training of Teachers to Exercise School Management
Training, Principal, Mentoring, Teacher, EducationThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In the training of principals, it is important to know when, how, what type of training it should be, and who should deliver it. This research uses a non-experimental quantitative methodology to understand the opinions of education professionals regarding the training of principals. To achieve this, a custom opinion questionnaire was developed and answered by a sample of 530 education professionals from Spain. The results indicate that equal importance is placed on pre-appointment training and ongoing training. The most considered training modalities are lectures or courses delivered by experts and mentoring or coaching. Lectures or courses are more preferred by the Educational Administration and current school principals, while mentoring or coaching is the preferred choice for those without prior experience in the role. The most valued tools are case analysis and problem-solving and the most suitable individuals to provide the training are experienced school principals. In conclusion, it is inferred that training should have a more practical nature, and the experiential factor that experienced school principals can provide is crucial in training. The importance of mentoring or coaching is also evident for those who have not served in the role or for novice principals.
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