The Educational Agenda for Well-Being: Navigating Emotional Learning in the Curriculum
Curriculum, Primary education, Identity, Environment, Technology
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The article analyses the new epistemological configuration of a social nature that is present in the curricular reform, based on the pedagogical approaches that emanate from the normative framework of the LOMLOE. Methodologically, the research is based on an analysis of normative content aimed at examining how the eco-social aspect, educational digitalization and the personal approach are articulated in the curriculum map of the third cycle of primary education and in relation to two big blocks of knowledge established , one of a personal and social nature (Subjects: Artistic Education, Physical Education and Education in Civic Values) and another of a instrumental nature (area of knowledge of Spanish Language and Mathematics).The greatest novelty that results from this study lies in showing how the new relational and emotional pedagogical approaches that justify the existence of an Educational Agenda for Well-being, are present not only in subjects more easily identifiable with a development of social competence, but these models are increasingly developed in instrumental areas of knowledge (Spanish Language and Mathematics) very far from the relational imaginary. Finally, the convergence between transnational institutional discourses is noteworthy, and the orientation of the state curriculum towards what we have called the Educational Welfare Agenda.
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