Matrix of Indicators for the Design and Evaluation of Good University Service-Learning Practices
Service-learning, University, Higher education, Evaluation, IndicatorsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
University Service-Learning (USL) is consolidating as a pedagogical approach with great formative potential. The proliferation of innovative experiences in higher education has been noted in different forums, as has the evidence of their impact on research. However, the tools available to assess the quality of USL projects are limited. This article presents the construction and validation of a tool for the quality assessment of these projects, which will serve to guide their design, implementation and evaluation. The methodological process followed has focused on the consultation of experts using the Delphi method and its subsequent piloting. The result obtained has been a matrix with a reticular structure in which its components (dimensions and indicators) are interrelated, whose function is to guide the development of USL projects and evaluate their quality. This leads to the implementation of shared spaces between agents, based on critical reflection as transformative learning and conscious practice. The limitations encountered are related to the diversity of approaches to USL, the intrinsic complexity of the methodology itself, as well as the contextual diversity and variety of groups that can participate
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