Vol. 22 No. 3 (2024)

Family Risk and Academic Self-Beliefs: The Moderating Role of School Climate

Ana María Velásquez
Melisa Castellanos
Published June 28, 2024


Self-concept, Self-efficacy, Family, Risk, School climate
How to Cite
Velásquez, A. M., & Castellanos, M. (2024). Family Risk and Academic Self-Beliefs: The Moderating Role of School Climate. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(3), 127–147. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.3.007


Developing socioemotional skills is an educational priority worldwide. Among these are self-beliefs, which equip students with motivational dispositions to achieve their academic goals. This study explored how the school and family contexts interact to develop academic self-beliefs in a representative sample of 2,352 Colombian students (70.7% in fifth grade, and 29.3% in ninth grade). In particular, the relationship between school climate (i.e., positive perceptions of the school, student-teacher relationship, classroom organization, teaching styles), family risk (i.e., low socioeconomic level; low supervision, support, warmth, and communication; maltreatment) and academic self-beliefs (i.e., self-concept, self-efficacy). Latent class analysis, multilevel structural equations analysis, and multigroup comparisons revealed that: a) a family context of risk is negatively related to academic self-beliefs; b) the school climate has a positive effect on academic self-beliefs; and c) the negative relationship between family risk and the self-beliefs of ninth grade students disappears in positive school climates. These results are discussed in light of the role of the school climate, both direct and indirect, in favoring relevant intrapersonal socioemotional skills to promote students' academic performance


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