Advantages and disadvantages of Learning Perceived by Undergraduate Students of the Mediated Face Teaching with PowerPoint ™: An Exploratory Study
traditional methods, advantages and disadvantagesCopyright (c) 2023 REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación

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This work, in the foreground, makes a survey of the literature that discusses the use of PowerPoint ™ in the classroom, and a second, investigates (i) the preference of students on the adoption of the PowerPoint ™ when compared to some traditional resources such as the blackboard and overhead projector, and (ii) the advantages and disadvantages of new technology in the mediation of classroom teaching. The study was conducted at a private institution of higher education in the city of Curitiba-PR, by collecting 134 questionnaires inquire by students enrolled between the first and fourth years of Accounting Course. Analysis of the data were processed using Cluster Analysis, where two distinct groups identifier and the result of interrelationships among the variables investigated was obtained by the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis. The research result shows that one of the groups had become more cohesive in agreement PowerPoint ™ as a mediator of classroom learning, and also agreement on the benefits of this software as part of the teaching methodology in the classroom, so the two groups existing students differed among themselves on the use of PowerPoint ™ in the classroom and the preference for the blackboard or overhead projector.Downloads
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