Vol. 9 No. 3 (2011)

Analysis and Description of the Perceptions of Leadership and Leadership Distributed Resilient Around the Exercise of Directors (2.0) as Possible Ways to Apprehend and Transform Educational Institutions

Published October 27, 2018


Resilient leadership, distributed leadership, ICT integration, climate and organizational culture
How to Cite
Trujillo Torres, J. M., López Núñez, J. A., & Lorenzo Martín, M. E. (2018). Analysis and Description of the Perceptions of Leadership and Leadership Distributed Resilient Around the Exercise of Directors (2.0) as Possible Ways to Apprehend and Transform Educational Institutions. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2011.9.3.001


There is no doubt that the role of school principals and the exercise of leadership have changed over time and especially in our present time configured around the Knowledge Society. The changes are dizzying and to establish a balance between external demands and the school's own educational leader (2.0) has to consider the virtues that enables the exercise of a resilient and distributed leadership to include ICTs to the methodological change. Thus the figure of the director develops a vision focused on the individual manager, authoritative, dynamic, competent and effective to one that notes impatient achievement and collective involvement in a shared project based on nodal management and decision decisional merged and united. A new model involving a new school culture based on joint action and reflective opening proposals that generate a climate of trust and harmony. Our development suggests, from the reflection, the contribution of ideas to facilitate the exercise and understanding of new forms of educational leadership to adapt to the future present and to demonstrate the need for change and innovation in management and school management.


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