Author Guidelines
The texts, original and unpublished, should be sent in a WORD document (in .doc or .docx format) through the form available in the website
The papers, once received, will be evaluated by two referees chosen by the Editorial Board (supported by the suggestions of the Advisory Board, if appropriate), through a process of peer review. The Editorial Board will ensure to eliminate any allusion that can identify the author, providing a complete anonymity. If one of the review reports is positive and another negative, the opinion of a third referee is requested. After the evaluation process, the authors will receive the response, together with the reports, from the Editorial Team within a period of maximum 6 months from the reception of the manuscript. All texts that do not strictly comply with the guidelines will be returned. The journal only accepts papers in Spanish language, therefore the authors must follow the guidelines adapting their text to the specific norms in that language.
The length of the articles should be of maximum 36,000 characters, including spaces, footnotes and final bibliography. Summaries and keywords and excluded from this calculation.
The texts should be preceded by a summary of about 100 words and four or five meaningful keywords. Both the title of the paper, the summary and the keywords should be sent in Spanish and a foreign language. Either Romance languages (preferably Italian, Portuguese or French), or English is accepted.
Text format guidelines
- The format for the text must be Times New Roman, body size 12, line spacing of 1.5, left-aligned.
- The title of the article must be centered, in bold, body size 14.
- Below the title, after a space, the author’s name in small caps, body size 12.
- Below the name, author’s affiliation in italics and body size 12.
- The lateral and upper and lower margins should be of 2.5 cm.
- Each new paragraph must be separated from the previous one with an additional space and
1 cm indentation in the first line.
- The textual citations may be inserted in the body of the text in double angle quotation marks («/»). If you need to mark one citation within another, the ASCII quotation marks are required ("/").
- When the textual quotations occupy more than three lines they are considered extensive texts quotations and must be introduced in a separate paragraph, with 1 cm indentation on each side, and body size 11.
- The omission of a text fragment in a textual citation will be indicated by an ellipsis in square brackets: «En un lugar de la Mancha […] no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero».
- Likewise, if a textual quote begins or ends in the middle of a syntactic unit, it is recommended to indicate it with square brackets: «En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo […]».
- Both the terms proceeding from other languages and those that require emphasis, must be indicated with italics, and not in quotation marks.
If the authors consider it convenient, they can divide their paper into epigraphs, which must be
numbered and marked as follows:
- First level epigraphs: 1. INTRODUCTION (in capital letters and bold).
- Second level epigraphs 1.1 State of the investigation (in small letters and bold).
- The footnotes must be in body size 10, justified and with a single line spacing.
- The footnote space is reserved to include relevant information of additional character.
- They mustn’t be used as space for parentheses, digressions or excursus that diverge from the main topic of the study.
Bibliographic references
- Bibliographic references must be included in the body of the text, between parentheses, and following the order: last name, date: page, as in the following example:
- (Rey Hazas, 1982), or (Rey Hazas, 1982: 68) if reference is made to a specific citation.
- In the case that the author's name has already been included in the body of the text, and it is understood, may be omitted:
As indicated by Rey Hazas (1982: 68)
- If two different works are referenced, they will be separated by a full stop and a comma:
(Camamis, 1977, Rey Hazas, 1982)
- In the case of the same author:
(Rey Hazas, 1982: 65, 2005: 33)
- If the work is about a particular literary author, and several works are cited recurrently, the name of the author can be replaced by the title of the works shortened. This use is limited to a single author and is optional.
(Persiles, 2004: 432) por (Cervantes, 2004: 432).
(Quijote, 2015: 659) por (Cervantes, 2015: 659).
- If the citation occupies three lines or less, and therefore is included in the body of the text, and is followed by the reference in parentheses before the end of the sentence, the full stop must be placed after the brackets: «Salía del hospital de la Resurrección, que está en Valladolid fuera de la puerta del Campo, un soldado que, por servirle su espada de báculo, y por la flaqueza de sus piernas y amarillez de su rostro» (Cervantes, 2013: 521).
- If the quotation occupies more than three lines, the full stop must be placed before the parenthesis:
Salía del hospital de la Resurrección, que está en Valladolid fuera de la puerta del Campo, un soldado que, por servirle su espada de báculo, y por la flaqueza de sus piernas y amarillez de su rostro, mostraba bien claro que, aunque no era el tiempo muy caluroso, debía de haber sudado en veinte días todo el humor que quizá granjeó en una hora. (Cervantes, 2013: 521)
Bibliographic section:
-The bibliographic records included in the bibliography section must be included at the end, and they should be arranged in the alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames, using the following format:
- Books: Last name, author's name (year), Book title, city, publisher, year.
Camamis, George (1977), Estudios sobre el cautiverio en el Siglo de Oro, Madrid, Gredos.
- Articles: Last name, author's name (year), «Title of the article», in Title of the publication where it appears, number, pages.
Rey Hazas, Antonio (1982), «Introducción a la novela del Siglo de Oro I. Formas de narrativa idealista», en Edad de oro, 1, págs. 67-70.
- Newspaper articles: Last name, author's name (year), «Title of the article», in Title of the newspaper, date.
Muñoz Molina, Antonio (2011), «Aquel olor a ceniza mojada», en El País, 4 de septiembre.
- Chapters in collective works: Last name, author's name (year), «Title of the chapter», in Name and surname of the editor (ed.), Title of the publication where it appears, city, editorial, pages.
Robres, Fernando Andrés (1995), «Galcerán de Borja, Felipe II y la tardía incorporación del maestrazgo de la orden de Montesa a la Corona» en Enrique Martínez Ruiz y Vicente Suárez Grimón (eds.), Iglesia y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen, Gran Canaria, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, págs. 409-420.
- The introductory studies and the annotation in the cited editions must have a bibliographic reference of their own according to the following format: Last name, author's name (year), «Introduction» to name and surname of author, Title of the work, city, publisher and pages.
Romero Muñoz, Carlos (2004), «Introducción» a Miguel de Cervantes, Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda, Madrid, Cátedra, págs. 13-101.
- If a work has two authors, the format of the names must be the following:
Last name, author's name and Last name, author's name (year), ... (the last names must be arranged according to alphabetical order).
- If a work has three authors, the format of the names must be the following:
Last name, author's name, Last name, author's name and Last name, author's name (year), ...
- If a work contains more than three authors, only the main author or the first author in alphabetical order must be indicated. The name will be followed by the Latin abbreviation et al. in italics: Last name, author's name et al. (year), ...
- In case a forthcoming work, the year of publication will be substituted for the term «in press»:
Last name, author's name (in press), ...
- If an author has two or more references, each reference will must with his full name (not a 3-em dash). References must be arranged in chronological order.
- In case there are two or more references of the same author published in the same date, they must be distinguished by a letter after the corresponding year. They must be arranged according to the order in which they are cited inside the text.
Last name, author's name (1996a), ...
Last name, author's name (1996b), ...
Other aspects:
The authors who want to include images, graphics or any other visual materials should insert them in the WORD document in the exact place of their appearance. It is also necessary to send a copy of the paper in PDF format. In addition, they should send the visual materials separately, as independent files, preferably in PNG or JPEG format.