What Is Not Included In “La Expedición”: The Revolt Of The Spanish Tercio Of Bernardo De Aldana In Hungary, 1553

Portada del número 21 de Libros de la corte
Published December 27, 2020


Spanish Tercios, History of Hungary, Ottoman wars in Hungary, Military Revolts, Tercio of Naples
How to Cite
Korpás, Z. (2020). What Is Not Included In “La Expedición”: The Revolt Of The Spanish Tercio Of Bernardo De Aldana In Hungary, 1553. Librosdelacorte.Es, (21), 63–91.


 The Expedición de Bernardo de Aldana a Hungría is a well-known source published in different languages, relating to the activity of the Old Tercio of Naples in Hungary (1548-1552). Nevertheless, we have far more less information about the fate of the first Old Tercio of Naples and its Maestre de Campo, Bernardo de Aldana, after 1552. This study presents a unique episode of the military history of that Tercio: the revolt of the remaining 400 soldiers and the disobedience and dissolution of the first Old Tercio of Naples in Hungary during 1553. It also shows in a more detailed manner the last years of Bernardo de Aldana’s life, including his release from jail in Hungary, his new military assignments in Italy and his dead in the battle of Djerba in 1560. As a further aspect, the study reflects the historical parallelism between the two distant anti-Ottoman military borders: the Mediterranean and Hungary. 


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