Format Guidelines
Revista Historia Autónoma accepts texts submitted in Spanish and English. The Editorial Board may consider publication in other languages, at the previous request of the authors.
All texts should use Times New Roman font, size 12 for body and abstracts, and size 10 for footnotes. The text should be 1.5 line spacing. It must be justified on both sides, indented on the first line of each paragraph by 1 cm and contain no spaces between paragraphs.
The extension of the paper will depend on the type of work. In this way:
- Articles will not exceed the 50,000 characters without spaces.
- Interviews will have a maximum of 22,000 characters without spaces.
- Bibliographical reviews and reports of scientific meetings will be 10,000 characters without spaces.
In all cases, the different elements that compose the paper will be taken into account: title, name and university of the author or authors, abstracts, keywords, text and footnotes.
The papers should be headed by a title, in lower capitals, size 16 and aligned to the left.
The name of the author or authors should be separated from the title by a double space, in capital letters, size 14 and aligned to the right. The given name should appear followed by the two family names. Under the name, if proceed, it should be indicated the academic or institutional organisation of the author or authors at the moment of the submission, aligned to the right and in lower letters, except the initials. Additionally, each author should indicate their contact email address and its ORCID ID.
In research articles, authors will choose the order of signature in the case of multiple authorship. In these cases, a footnote should indicate the criteria chosen to decide the order of signature, as well as the specific contribution of each author to the published work.
Two abstracts should come before the body of the works, one in Spanish and the other in English, being the former in the language of the paper. These abstracts should be separated from the name of the author or authors by a double space and headed (in lower capitals and bold) by the words “resumen” and “abstract”, respectively. Their extension will be between 150 and 200 words in both cases, always attending to the format of the paragraph indicated before. Under each abstract, and in the same language, a maximum of five key words on the paper should be included.
With a separation of four spaces the body of the work will appear, following the format indicated above. The notes will be written at the end of the page, when the quote in the text is finished, and before the stop if needed; the bibliography used should be included properly according to the rules that will be established below. The figures included in the paper should be numbered in the text under the formula [fig. 1]. They should contain an explanatory title of their content, as this example shows: Figure 1: Development of the GDP in Spain (1975-2000). The source of the figure will appear under it.
The author can organise the work in sections if he/she wishes to do so. If the work has sections, these should appear in size 14, in lower capitals and with Arabic numbers. The section headings should be consecutive, size 12, in bold and with Arabic numerals.
The quotes in the text should appear in inverted commas, properly bibliographically referenced by means of footnotes. If the quote has more than three lines, it should be separated from the body of the text by one space, written in size 10 and intended 1.5 cm to both sides.
A footnote or a specific acknowledgements section should be included, indicating the funding agency and the project code of the project in the framework of which the research leading to the publication has been carried out.
There will not be an exclusive section to quote the bibliography used throughout the work. All the bibliographical references will be written as footnotes. When quoting, the next guidelines will be followed and should be completely accomplished to publish the paper.
a) Books:
?One author: Domínguez Ortiz, Antonio, Carlos III y la España de la Ilustración, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1988.
?Two authors: García de Cortázar, José Ángel & José Ángel Sesma Muñoz, Historia de la Edad Media: una síntesis interpretativa, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1998.
?Three or more authors: Arsuaga, Juan Luis et al., Atapuerca, patrimonio de la humanidad: 30 años de excavaciones y descubrimientos, Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 2006.
?Chapters in group works: Neila Hernández, José Luis, “La paz de París y la configuración del nuevo sistema internacional (1919-1923)”, in Pereira Castañares, Juan Carlos (coord.), Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales contemporáneas, Barcelona, Ariel, 2009, pp. 319-347.
b) Articles:
?Articles from printed journals: Córdoba Zoilo, Joaquín, “La destrucción de la memoria histórica y arqueológica de Iraq: en defensa de un patrimonio devastado”, in Hesperia. Culturas del Mediterráneo, 1 (2005), pp. 91-108.
?Articles from electronic journals: Prados Torreira, Lourdes, “Mujer y espacio sagrado: haciendo visibles a las mujeres en los lugares de culto de época ibérica”, in Complutum, 18 (2007), pp. 217-226. «» [Seen on 10th, July 2011]. In case the articles have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) such reference will be added.
?Articles from the press: Pérez Royo, Javier, “Mayorías cualificadas”, in El País, 9 de julio de 2011, p. 12. In case the article is published on the website: Carrillo, Marc, “Audiovisual y calidad democrática”, in El País, 9th July, 2011. « » [Seen on 9th July, 2011].
c) General cases:
?If a work previously referenced is quoted, the formule op. cit. will be used after the first words of the title, without the necessity of repeating it, followed by ellipsis: Bourdieu, Pierre, Langage et pouvoir symbolique, Paris, Fayard, 1982, p. 33 and the following times: Bourdieu, Pierre, Langage et pouvoir… op. cit., p. 271.
?If a work included in the previous note is quoted, the formule Ibidem will be used followed by the page or pages quoted.
?When there is no author of the text, the quote will start with the word “anonymous” instead of the name of the author.
?When Greek and Latin authors are quoted, the traditional abbreviations will be used. Additionally, the number of book, chapter and the paragraphs will be used in Arabic numerals separated by a comma: Hom. Od. 9, 1; Plin. Nat. 3, 3, 24. If a translated literal quote is included, it will be pointed out on the footnote with the name of the translator and the edition: Translated by Juan José Esbarranch, Madrid, Gredos, 2003.
d) Audiovisual Material:
?Catalogues: Adamson, Glenn and Jane Pavitt (eds.), Postmodernism. Style and Subversion, 1970-1990, catalogue of the exhibition (London, Victoria & Albert Museum, from 25th September, 2011 until 15th January, 2012), London, 2011.
?Sound recording and audiovisual format: Rovira-Beleta, Francisco (dir.), La arquitectura de los sueños (VHS), Madrid, Televisión Española, 1981. If the quote is literal from a script, a film, a documentary, a recording, etc, this would be: Rovira-Beleta, Francisco (dir.), La arquitectura de los sueños (VHS), Madrid, Televisión Española, 1981, min. 45-47.
e) Abreviaturas significativas: Important abbreviations
_ doc., docs.: Document, documents.
?dos.: Dossier.
?n.d.: No date of publication.
?n.p.: No Publisher.
?n. pag.: No pagination. Space between.
?n.p.: No place.
f) Further materials:
? Archive documentation: Archivo Histórico Nacional [AHN from now on], Consejos, dos. 51.533, doc. 3, fols. 30r-35r.
?In case of codexes, the next formula will be used: Palencia, Alonso de, Crónica de Enrique IV, translated by Antonio Paz y Meliá, Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Españoles, 1973, vols. I and II, p. 12.
?For epigraphic and numismatic documentation the abbreviations of the traditionally approved corpora will be used: CIL, IX, 3245; HEp1, 54; RIC, 638; CNH, 75. No Internet database will be allowed (EDH, HEpOl, Clauss-Slaby…).
?Interviews: López Rodríguez, José María, made by Antonio Mendoza, Quito, January 7th, 2001.
?Dissertations, Research Projects, Final Master Projects: Larraz Elorriaga, Fernando, Historia y crítica de la narrativa del exilio republicano durante el franquismo, dissertation, Autonomous University of Madrid, 2008; Saavedra Mitjans, Helena, Dones en la mobilització socio-política als anys setanta. L’evolució de la conflictivitat social i el protagonisme de les dones treballadores, Final Master Project, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2012.
?Websites: Artehistoria, “El arte en el reinado de Felipe II”. «» [Seen on July 10th, 2011].
?Patents: Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM from now on), Patent no. 6789, January 7th, 1901.
Inclusive language Guidelines
Revista Historia Autónoma recommends the use of inclusive language in published works. To this end, it recommends reading and applying the criteria set out in the Guide for the non-sexist use of language at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, published in 2019 and available on the website of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.