No. 16 (2020): Revista Historia Autónoma

Archaeological-Urban Planning Analysis: A Method for the Study of the First Mexico City

Rodrigo Octavio Tirado de Salazar
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México
Published March 31, 2020


American urbanism, conquest, colonial period, Mexico City, medieval urbanism, Islamic urbanism, urban methodology, interdisciplinary studies, New Spain, Hernán Cortés, Alonso García Bravo.
How to Cite
Tirado de Salazar, R. O. (2020). Archaeological-Urban Planning Analysis: A Method for the Study of the First Mexico City. Revista Historia Autónoma, (16), 123–138.


Since its origins, Mexico City is presented as a complicated and juxtaposed city: a European city built on the pre-Hispanic Tenochtitlan. Thus, it was always concentrating on its western dimension, the general trend of urban research on the very first Mexico City has been, until now, to investigate the urban paradigms of the Renaissance or Classical antiquity in search of an explanation for its trace. On the one hand, after an exhaustive analysis of the urban fabric of Mexico City, the present work intendsto break stereotypes and unravel ancient urban structures, proving that these were direct reflections of the reality of the conquerors who planned the city (with a cultural horizon imbued with the medieval Islamic world that permeated so deeply in the Iberian Peninsula).On the other hand, through a practical example of the establishment of the northern limit of the first Mexico City, to set the usefulness of an interdisciplinary methodology based on the integration of various disciplines such as history, urban planning and archeology, to approach urban phenomena and their historical and cultural substrates in a more globally and precisely way. 


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