No. 12 (2018): Revista Historia Autónoma

The Janissaries. The Social Definition of the Military Elite of the Ottoman Empire (14th-17th Centuries)

Jaime Denis Rodríguez Madrazo
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published March 27, 2018
How to Cite
Rodríguez Madrazo, J. D. (2018). The Janissaries. The Social Definition of the Military Elite of the Ottoman Empire (14th-17th Centuries). Revista Historia Autónoma, (12), 61–77.


The janissaries were the base of the military innovation for the Ottoman expansion; on the contrary, they do not merely constitute a warlike elite. Their origin, their creation, their functions and their relation with the Turkish society are the axes of this study, resulting in that the above mentioned military body did not limit itself to a merely military character. In addition, we will give special attention to the change in the Janissaries’ logic of behaviour throughout the 17th century.


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