No. 12 (2018): Revista Historia Autónoma

Today there’s no football! The 1948 strike of footballers seen by the Peronist press

Enrico Montanari
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published March 26, 2018
How to Cite
Montanari, E. (2018). Today there’s no football! The 1948 strike of footballers seen by the Peronist press. Revista Historia Autónoma, (12), 191–204.


In 1948 the majority of professional footballers of the Argentinian First Division went to a strike against their respective teams and against the federation. Their goal was to get new salary conditions, a major contractual flexibility and, in general, to reach the same social conquests that the Argentinian workers got during those years. This work tries to analyse the relationship between professional sport and work through the Peronist press.


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